Paris to vote on triple charging SUVs! (Debate)

Alice Brander
👍 4

Sun 4 Feb, 14:54

Don't panic Telegraph readers.  The London Mayor has no power to implement London Borough parking charges.  That's a London Borough power.  It's just anti-Labour stuff again.

At a memorial of the child who died as a consequence of constant exposure to particulate air pollution, he said that if the Paris referendum goes in favour of increased charges then he will 'monitor the effectiveness of it'.  He was talking about reducing air pollution.  London Boroughs will be worried by loss of income from parking because they have had to increase the size of parking bays.   

Hans Eriksson
👍 2

Sat 3 Feb, 16:18

Telegraph says the London Mayor is considering a similar scheme. Daily Fail says it's imposssible to insure Range Rovers, because they are so easy to steal. 

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 8

Fri 2 Feb, 15:23 (last edited on Fri 2 Feb, 15:24)

Now there's an idea seeing how big SUVs have grown in size, making streets too narrow, taking up more parking space and so on.

AND they - SUVs - are something like FIVE TIMES more lethal to children if there is a pedestrian "accident" - with quite a few…

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