Parallel parking on both sides or nose in on one? EV Charges (Debate)

Philip Ambrose
👍 2

Mon 26 Jun 2023, 15:47

Bear in mind that if parking overnight on two way streets in town, the only legal way to park a vehicle is nearside to the kerb such that the red reflectors can be seen. (Highway Code refers). Some overnight parkers on Enstone Road seem prone to parking the wrong way.

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Sun 21 May 2023, 20:15

I’ve heard highway officers advise that ‘echelon parking’, as it’s known, is a safety risk due to visibility going in/out.  It has been discussed for Church Street in the past; other town centre streets are too narrow.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 21 May 2023, 19:13

|I recall with my first trip to Europe, quite often streets would be arranged with one side clear and the other side lined with vehicle nose-in parking, thus leaving an unencumbered sidewalk and half the carriageway clear.

Does this right-angled (or slightly angled) parking arrangement fit more cars into a given yardage of road/kerb space than our tradition of parallel parking? One needs swinging space for parallel parking fore and aft.

If adopted would it mean that EV charging points and metres could be placed in increased numbers on, for example, Market Street?

Digging up and laying cables on just one side would be a big saving in cost, resources, time, residents' disruption*.

Just a thought.

* I've laid both electric and gas mains in my youth in urban and rural areas - hence know the chaos that ensues...

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